

  • “Camille”
  • Acrylic paint and oil
  • 108 x 88 cm
  • 2001


Nue couchée


  • “Nue couchée”
  • Acrylic paint oil on wood
  • 109 x 78 cm
  • 2002


Porque vas a venir


  • “Porque vas a venir”
  • Peinturer Acrylic with collage
  • 105 x 86 cm
  • 2017



  • “Farinelli”
  • Acrylic paint
  • 104 x 74 cm




  • “Sunset”
  • Acrylic painting with collage
  • 80 x 60 cm
  • Sold


Coral restauration


  • “Coral restauration”
  • Acrylic painting with collage
  • 80 x 60 cm
  • Sold


Avant le feu


  • “Avant le feu”
  • Acrylic painting with collage
  • 80 x 60 cm


Green blood project


  • “Green blood project”
  • Acrylic painting with collage
  • 80 x 60 cm
  • Sold / Vendu


Le chant de la terre


  • “Le chant de la terre”
  • Acrylic paint on linen
  • 92 x 73 cm
  • 2018


Wounds of the centuries


  • “Wounds of the centuries”
  • Acrylic painting on canvas with collage
  • 100 x 80 cm
  • 2015


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