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- “La lune et moi”
- Acrylic paint
- 100 x 80 cm
- 2006
- “Mariage d’amour”
- Acrylic paint
- 100 x 80 cm
- 2005
- “Printemps”
- Collage made with acrylic paint on paper
- 67 x 52 cm
- 2020
- “Oiseaux Mexique”
- Collage acrylic paint on silkscreen
- 45 x 52 cm
- 2020
- “My heart is in the highlands”
- Collage acrylic paint on paper
- 54 x 44 cm
- 2020
- Sold / Vendu
- “Sunshine parade”
- Acrylic painting on canvas with collage
- 50 x 60 cm
- 1992
- “Pablo in paradise”
- Pastel
- 101 x 73 cm
- 2001
- Sold / Vendu
- “Bimboya”
- Silkscreen
- 97 x 56 cm
- 1997
- “Afrique jaune”
- Silkscreen
- 97 x 56 cm
- 1989
- “Jouer à cache-cache”
- Silkscreen
- 97 x 56 cm
- 1993